Koscon Industrial S.A. is glad to announce his participation to EPSE Awards, with which EPSE rewards various applications of polycarbonate that highlight the unique properties of the product in the Design, Innovation and Sustainability fields. The awards ceremony will take place on 3rd November during Batimat fair in Paris.
Koscon participates with a project in the Sustainability area: the Viewpoint of Genovés Park in Cadiz (Spain), realized by the architectJose Luis Bezos Alonso with Koscon panels supplied trough his Spanish distributor ThyssenKrupp Plastic Ibérica.
For the project have been used:
- 3200 m2 of Modulit 338 LP 40 mm clear
- 800 m2 of Modulit 520 HC 20 mm clear
The aim of the project was to re-organize and urbanize the esplanade of Santa Barbara, which works as a barrier to protect Genovés Park and its exotic plants, declared protected species, from the rough weather and the ocean’s breeze.
The viewpoint replaces a previous wall that completely separated the esplanade from the park with a construction that gives continuity to the environment, visually connecting the park and the sea thanks to its transparent walls.
It is not only a viewpoint, on which roof you can also walk, or a protective building, but a new completely transformed area, hosting cultural activities, reading rooms, restaurants, sport areas, playgrounds and many activities, with a great view on the park and on Cadiz bay.
EPSE European Polycarbonate Sheet Extruders
Architetto Jose Luis Bezos Alonso