Modulit® is a polycarbonate system extruded in modular panels used for the production of translucent vertical and / or inclined walls. The system is made by means of panel coupling, provided by “male / female” joints for a perfect fit. Thereby the installation is fast and easy, even for the inexperienced in the use of modular systems. The range of accessories, consisting of outer profiles in aluminium, hooks and gaskets, making the system complete, versatile and secure.
Sheets not protected from the effects of UV rays, which cause them to degrade rapidly. They are ideal for all applications where direct exposure to solar radiation is not an issue.
Sheets protected from the effects of UV rays on one side. This protection effectively allows the sheets to retain their original transparency and mechanical impact resistance properties for the duration of their service life
Sheets protected from the effects of UV rays on both sides. Particularly suitable for applications where they may be exposed to direct and/or indirect solar radiation on both sides. This treatment also eliminates installation errors, while cutting is optimized since the sheeting is protected whichever side faces up.
The special ANTIGLARE treatment, on the UV protected side, significantly reduces the glare effect due to the reflection of the light rays. It also creates a pleasant diffusion of light inside the building
Sheets with increased, extra strong protection from UV rays. Ideal for use in applications marked by particularly harsh environmental conditions.